AG Gifts strives to provide you only with the ultimate experience and a convincing justification to return to our website.

AG Gifts is a well-known company that has been producing exquisite sculptures. Idols depicting Gods and Goddesses for many years. For even more than twenty years, the Chavarttil group has been at the forefront of this business. Mr shilji created the brand name idolmaker . Who was preceded by late Bhaskaran Chavarttil. Many family members are now running the company and leading it to success.

AG Gifts: Terms and Conditions

All AG Gifts terms and conditions apply to each offer, discounts, and transactions. The products manufactured by us to you, the buyer, via. The website on which we publish these general terms and conditions. Any distance agreements made into by AG Gifts and the customer.

Term Definitions

Firstly mentioned expressions have the following purposes in these Terms & Conditions:

Secondly AG Gifts (a legal entity that sells consumer goods and/or services over the online platform) is the Seller.

How ever the actual being who engages in an agreement with the seller. Consumer refers, he or she do not involve in the scope of occupation of company .

Thirdly that may use distance communication implies any mechanism. Seller may use to enter into a contract without the consumer. And seller being physically present in the same location, like (but not limited to) fax, mobile, and the interne.

More over the term “day” refers to a calendar day. All means that enable the consumer or seller to preserve any data. That directe to him her individually in a form. That enables for future consultation. This information refers to as a data storage medium.


Therefore these general terms and conditions refer to all agreements between the seller and the consumer. Their post to any offers, transactions, and orders of products made via the website in which these general terms and conditions .

Above all the seller makes the content of these terms & conditions accessible to the consumer before completing a contract. Seller will send content of these terms & conditions. Seller send to the consumer digitally. In such a manner that it can conveniently save on a long-term data storage medium. It will state before completing the contract that the general terms and conditions will access electronically,if this is not possible. They will transmit to the consumer upon request, whether electronically and otherwise.


Similarly If an offer is for a short time only. If any other conditions exist, the seller must mention that.

In addition the offer includes a full, correct, and informative summary. The products offered, allowing the consumer to make a decision. If an offer use images in association with the offer. It offer they must be fully representative of the products . If you notice errors or mistakes in the offer. That is or should be apparent to the consumer as errors or mistakes. We do not bound the seller to the consumer.


Therefore the contract is established when the consumer acknowledges the offer and agrees to the terms and conditions.

However the consumer approves the offer through electronic means. The seller must validate receipt of the acknowledgement via electronic means as soon as possible. The consumer has the right to back out of the deal before the seller confirms. That the acceptance has been received.

Withdrawal Rights

Above all while making purchase. The consumer has the freedom to break the contract without giving any excuse for seven calendar days. Beginning on the day the product is obtained by the consumer or on his or her behalf.

In conclusion if a customer chooses to exercise his or her privilege of withdrawal. He or she can only unpack and use the product to the degree required to determine whether to keep it. In other words the consumer must handle the product or packaging content with caution at this period. The consumer must return the product with all provided accessories. Consumer the extent practicable, in its original state and packaging, meeting the seller’s fair and explicit instructions.

Costs Associated with a Withdrawal

If a consumer exercises his right to withdraw. Therefore the most he or she would will paid is the amount equivalent to the sum of returning the product.

The seller must refund the money as soon as possible, no less than 30 calendar days after the withdrawal.


The seller warrants that the products correspond to the contract. The offer’s criteria, fair usability and/or durability conditions.It makes current rules of relevant laws and/or regulations on the day the agreement .

A guarantee issued by the seller, producer, or supplier. The products cannot restrict or waive the rights and claims. If consumer has under relevant laws and/or the agreement. The seller fails to meet its contractual obligations to the consumer.